How can you find or build your dream job from you current job?

Dream Job
Build your dream Job from you current job

Not all are satisfied with their current job and they are unhappy but they have a dream job in their mind. Lets see some of the principles, which can change your career and life, so that you can find or build your dream job from your current job.

Adding Skills

First, treat your current job as your dream job to create the life you want. Think about the activities, which can be added to your current job, find new skills and task from your current job, which can be added to your resume. Finding the things which you are enjoyed in the current job and how can you add more things which is enjoyable. Explore all the opportunities available in the current job and try to utilize it to add some additional skills.

Change your thoughts.

You think that your current job has nothing in it to get for your future and the career you thought about. Change your thoughts and try to do little things every day to reach your dream job. If you think your career transition will be hard, it will be hard. If you think it will be fun and easy, it will be. Change your attitude, and start doing new things and stop saying NO to things which you feel, it was not my job.  

Change Your Mindset.

Instead of thinking, “How will I get my next job?” think, “How can I get best from my current job.You have talents within you that you are aware of and others you aren’t even aware of yet. To earn more, you must learn more.  You are in charge of your career success and career growth.

Be Grateful to your current job.

Don’t focus on hating your current job, be grateful for it even if it is not your dream job, this job will help you pay the expenses to reach your goal. Things will begin to change, you will enjoy your job more, and you will notice more opportunities than before. Your current job will be one big step for the dream job and your ideal career.

What are the top 8 things you should avoid in a job interview?




  1. Don’t be late. Arrive at-least 10 minutes before interview time.
  2. Don’t dress casually. Dress according to the office culture and make sure you are comfortable in that dress.
  3. Don’t neglect your hygiene. Avoid strong odors like smoke, perfume.
  4. Don’t look or sound like you are bored at any point during the interview.
  5. Do not be under-prepared. Learn about the company and its activity from Website
  6. Don’t complain. You should have a very positive attitude during the interview and want to have a clear sharp but positive reason to leave your current position like, I’m looking for a new challenge, I want to work closer to where I live, I want to see how great this industry is, etc.
  7. Don’t get too personal.
  8. Don’t forget to thank everyone for his or her time.

Quick Tips for a Job Interview

Here the list of some tips for you to prepare for in personal  job interview,

  • Prepare copies of your resume/CV and cover letter and make a print of it in good quality paper.
  • Dress according to the office culture and make sure you are comfortable in that dress.
  • Keep your hair and makeup simple.
  • Arrive early at least 10 minutes before interview.
  • Turn off or silence your mobile phone devices.
  • Stand up when your interviewer walks in, keep a friendly and appropriate distance.
  • Maintain eye contact.
  • Keep strong and confident posture.
  • Keep smile, don’t afraid to brag.
  • Make your narrative clear and tie your experience to the job specs.
  • Ask for feedback, listen carefully.
  • Thank the interviewer for their time and wish them a good day.