Posted on March 29, 2020March 29, 2020 by adminGK Quiz for Kids : Days and Time. GK Questions For Kindergarten And Class 1 Simple General Knowledge Questions for Kids going to KG and Grade 1. 1. How many months do we have in a year? 6 9 12 2. How many days are there in a week? 12 7 5 3. How many days are there in a year? 12 7 365 4. What make a Fortnight? 7 days 12 days 14 days 5. Which day comes after Sunday? Saturday Monday Friday 6. How many Hours in a Day ? 24 12 7 7. Which Month Comes After October? September November December 8. How many weeks will be there in a year ? 48 52 36 9. How many minutes in an Hour? 24 60 7 10. Which month has less than 30 days ? December January February